December 24, 2021 updates
Hello friends and Family,
School is up and running for the new year and things are running smoothly. We are having in influcts of students due to the virus and I want to let all the teachers know how much we appreciate all your work and efforts to meet this demand. I'm excited!!!
Happy Fall Gnostic Friends and Family,
Tuition is due by November 15th but no later than November 20th. The new printers most have all orders for student print jobs in by the Monday the 22nd in order to for you, the teachers, to have time to prepare binders in time for the new school year beginning January 3, 2022. I know teachers are already busy preparing for the new season and I want to make sure we continue to make their jobs as uncomplicated as possible because we value our teachers here at the Gnostic Learning Academy.
Mark M
Hello Gnostic Friends, Family, and visitors:
Its been a while since I posted anything here because it's been hectic times. We are now getting somewhat back to normal. Summer meetiing is approaching and although we encourage all members to bring guest, I must now tell you that no one will be admitted unless they can prove they hae been fully vaccinated. I am not asking to see medical records but I am asking for proof that shows you have been vaccinated to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus known as Covid 19.
As our school draws officially to a close we have already started preparing for the upcoming school year. Fees will be increasing to meet cost. the will go from $450 for winter and spring semester, to $475 per sudent per semester. We are able to go to 8th grade but will not increase our range until the 2023 school year. However, we will begin prepareing for it during the 2022 school year. Tuition will go through the payment portal we are working to have set up by the new year. In the meantime, take the payments from your students parents and forward them to the Gnostic Learning Academy enrollment account until this portal is up and operational.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you during Summer meeting.
Mark M
Hello Friends and Family,
we are down to the wire on the article that will repeat in January so keep the votes coming in. School is starting in less than two weeks YAAAA! Many things changing this school year. Mason has put out amazing curriculums for each grade and we will going to a online school platform as well. Take the vaccine folks as soon as it's available so we can get back to meeting and I trust you all recieved the 2021 Itineary. I want us to get back to meetings so we can discuss the many issues I'm constantly being emailed about.
Hello Site friends, family and visitors:
It has been a hectic year but we have survived and we have been fortunate to have not lost anyone to this frightening pandemic. We thank the Most High for this. Printing for school books, the cost have gone up considerably due to the virus and all orders must go in by October 5th. The printers are working with a reduced staff due to Covid-19 and they must have adequate time to get printed material back in time for our new year in January. Good luck teachers as you all have a busy year ahead of you. :)
Gnostic Friends and Family!
No spring meeting and we all know why. We have had two people in our immediate group test positive for the Covid virus they are both in recovery, we have had no deaths in our group. No deaths have been reported from any who join us during our meetings and this is good news. Please stay safe everyone, take the precautions that have been proven to be affective. But, remain faithful at all times. Remember, much more people who contract this virus survive than die.
Hello everyone!
As we arrive for our winter meeting we will be engaging in our ideas about running a nation so please finish posting your comments in the forum if you having already so we can tally up the responses and discuss it Sunday. Good to see all of you!
Hello forum friends and family,
First, school starts on the 6th of January, Mason has sent out the curriculums she was working very hard on, and we have now been upgraded to a full education academy and that has it's benefits and it's downfalls. The downfalls include a new requirement for all those in teaching positions. We are being told we must require certification for all teachers. You can be on a path to certification working two years in a teaching capacity. I am also looking into this legally as all I want to require is a college education preferably a BA in a field that would benefit the qualifications that is needed for one embarking on educating others. I will keep you all posted.
As you know, the Academy and the Island for our meetings has taken me away from my accounting positions and firm, I will not be handling taxes for this upcoming tax season but will refer people to others within the firm who will assist with income tax issues. Mason is available for questions but the administrative part of the academy, as well as teaching herself, has also limited her availability to help with Income taxes this year.
It is time to vote on your favorite article for 2019 to be ran for an encore in January. We need those vote in by Monday folks! I
The 2020 Itinerary is being prepared and will be emailed to everyone who's email we have on file. It's important to forward all this information to Jackee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. That is if you want the itinerary.
Thanks everyone,
One Love
Hello forum friends and family,
Please take a moment to look at the post in the forum. I don't care if comments are made and it is a matter we will take up during the meeting. Mason has enough on her plate and I do not want this to be presented to her going forward. We will handle it during the meeting and please understand, I mean what I said in the thread.
Have a blessed day!
Mark M
Updates include our schools progress. We have to find a way to recruit help and I'm looking into Linkedin and even Facebook to find suitable teachers. Why? Because we are started to receive many inquires but we are at capacity due to lack of instructors. We are also looking into opening actual teaching facilities, yes Gnostic Learning schools. It is good news but we have to prepare for expansion. We will talk more about this during the meeting this month. I can't wait to see all of you as you begin to arrive this weekend.
Mark M
Hello Forum Friends and Family,
Itinerary's will email this evening and, the results of the vote selected "Sleep In Heavenly Peace" as te article to run again this month. It is highlighted in blue and the title has astric beside it.
Hello Again,
Well, the two articles we will vote on within the next week are: "Sleep in Heavenly Peace" and "Comfort Within". Please email me your choices and in January the winner will run again starting the new year out for us. Itinerary for 2019 are emailing this week.
Thanks Everyone
Hello Gnostic Friends and Family,
It's time to vote on our favorite article this year to run again in January. I'm off to a late start so let's try to get this in within the next few days so we can announce which article will replay in January, Sorry for the delay everyone!
Hello Gnostic Family and Friends
We have added five new teachers and expanded the grade level to th grade. I will be building curriculums so Loreen will be taking my preK, Kindergarten, and 1st grade classes allowing me to devote more time to helping build-up our school programming. Growth is always good, but it has it's challenges. Mark will be discussing the new tuition fees for students as our instructors have to make a living as well. It will remain affordable and assistance for group members is and always will be available. So, class is in recess until January but Teachers, our work begins now :-).
One Love Everyone!
Gnostic Friends and Family
I wanted to let you all know Judge Hadley passed away in the afternoon of September the 1st in the year 2018. He was 64 years young and was battling a heart disorder that finally became critical. In his final hours, his family said he was very happy to see both Barack and George speak at Senator McCains funeral because he was reminded of how it felt to have a real president and leader of the country he also fought for and served as a faithful Stewart of the nations laws. Jim will be laid to rest on this Friday and you all will receive the specifics over the next couple days.
Please Join us in our prayers for strength for his beautiful wife Karen, his son Jordan, his grandson Shawn, his granddaughter Mirayah, and his great grand children Madison, Mallory, Xandar, and Ellie.
Thank You
The McGinnis Family
Gnostic Friends and Family:
I'm not sure if it is known to and by all so I will announce it here. The Judge has encountered some medical issues that will prevent him from performing our wedding ceremonies and we do not anticipate him being able to return to this position. We are in the process of selecting a new person to perform this service and we have several individuals we are confident will be ideal for this honorable task. Yes that means all ceremonies will be postponed until our meeting in October. It's going to be a busy meeting but we are all looking forward to it. The Judge will be in attendance but will now be a member of the audience observing. We love you Your Honor and we are very glad you are going to be all right.
One Love
Hello Gnostic Friends and Family:
It's been awhile hasn't it? Well, I'm a busy island owner and turning it into a resort has kept me on my toes. I wanted to take a moment and congratulate all the teachers. The parents are really impressed with the curriculum and with how well it is paced. Their children are learning and retaining what they learn. The lessons are fun and engaging and that is what we love to hear. Keep up the good work and let's prepare for the relaxed third semester for this year. Wow time is flying.
One Love as Jay always says
Greetings Gnostic Family and Friends,
The theme for 2018 will focus on us evaluating where we stand morally as individuals. I trust everyone has received their 2018 Itinerary. If you have not received your itinerary please let us know so we can get one out to you ASAP.
The Gnostic Learning Academy is off to a good start. Ashley is standing in for Mason who has realized she has too many appointments that will cut into her class time first semester. Ashley is doing a wonderful job and we thank her for being such a strong support to Mason as she goes through the last phase of her MS treatment.
Update: The homeless people we found and decided to assist with their transition from homelessness into normal lives was an incredible success. I am happy to report all of those we brought in are working and we have assisted them in finding suitable homes they can afford. This has been a very worthwhile endeavor and we will do this again in August of 2018. As you all can see it took little effort to do something so very meaningful and worthwhile. I know I rest easier at night knowing I did more to help others than devastate them. I hope it is so for all of you.
Again we will not disgust what is occurring in out political environment online. I am open to phone conversations to those of you who are concerned about the leadership and what this means to you. To our Haitian members. you have strong backing from your Gnostic family as do all those who have been ridiculed and insulted by the DEMON who has infiltrated our nations capital and is being assisted in perpetrating a fraudulent facade of leadership. He clearly is no leader by any standard but is an example of a DEMON a DEVIL if you will. He is vile, evil, and corrupt. He stands for nothing that is moral, or right in any fashion. He is negative, Hate driven, fitting an example of everything no one should aspire to mimic or look up to. He does not have one redeeming positive quality. Everything about this man is wrong and those who support him have literally sold their eternal souls to this Devil. Remember that no matter the messages in the media and in the programs and movies this flawed species produce, Good, righteousness and morality always prevail because this is what is stronger. Evil crumbles and it always will, dragging all those who condone, participate and/or pretend it's not real down into a bottomless pit along with it. Yes this is hell but it's nice to know some of us will survive it and go on to a better place while millions will not. 95/5 my friends 95/5.
One Love
In the Service of the most high won the vote for article to rerun this month. Bear with me I am working on the Itinerary for 2018 and you will have them in a few days.
Good Morning,
Well our school year is about to take off at the turn of the new year. I see Mason has posted the new page for the school and it looks great I like the Logo sis. We also need to vote on the most favored or popular article in 2017. Please cast those votes as soon as possible as the choice will run again in January 2018. The 2018 itinerary will mail out sometime this month we are working on it now and hope to have it complete the last week of December. Please enjoy your holiday Gnostic friends and family.
Hello Gnostic Family,
The activity article has posted and the thread for discussion is up in the forum. August is the month of our third quarter meeting I hope you are all ready and looking forward to this. Mason has returned home, no longer residing in Tacoma Washington. Benson was buried and his family is on the road to recovery along with Rebecca's family and we all feel their pain learning their daughter didn't die of natural causes. We have some weddings this meeting, seven I believe. The Judge is ready and looking forward to spending a relaxing with with his Gnostic Family. We also will officially add twenty plus new members and I am glad our family is growing. I look forward to seeing you all.
Gnostic and Forum Family,
We had a very enjoyable meeting that is concluding this Wednesday. We discussed a wide range of topics during this get-together and aside for one particular incident it was a very relaxing and enjoyable gathering for our group. It was a noticeably bigger group also. We will be continuing many of the conversations in the forum as the topic for June.
School is in a brake starting Friday June 2nd and will resume on the 19th. This is the first of three two week breaks during summer classes. There is a fourth of July break, and another one mid august until the first week of September. School for us is out for the year at the end of September and will resume for the new school year in January.
Thank You
Hello Forum friends and family,
May is not just our meeting month, there is also an article that has an activity. It's time to pull out the portfolios and add this activity for review during the meeting. What are your most memorable memories, a good one and a bad one, that greatly impacted your life. Detail these two memories for your portfolio and briefly touch on them in the forum under the topic set aside for this new article.
Thanks everyone,
One Love
Hello Forum,
Members of the Gnostic Faith, please remember we are doing the cleansing fast this month and it started yesterday. Also I will be reposting the winning article from last year some time today it is, "The Big Picture" if you want to scroll down the articles and have a look.
Thank You
Hello Forum members and visitors,
The staff at the Ephesus Gnostic Group wishes you a safe and joyous holiday and as we say good-bye to a very harsh 2016 and prepare ourselves for a uncertain 2017 and beyond, let us always be mindful. Cleave to your families and love ones. Trust your instinct as this is how The Most High communicates best with all living things. Do not be fooled or deceived and remember there are many wolves draped in lamb skin. Your instinct and intuition are never wrong as they are the real voice of Yahushua. Signs are uncertain but intuition never fails. Be brave remembering fear is an attribute of Hate and there is no Hate in the Most High. Fear's opposite is Faith, and Faith is an attribute of Love.
Stay faithful, brave, merciful, and charitable as this pleases all seven emenations of the God of Gods, The God who is God alone and certainly above all other Gods.
Hello Teachers :-),
1st semester ends December 16, 2016 and second semester begins January 2, 2017. Try to make sure the kiddos understand all the material from 1st semester. If not let's start some extra help to keep them on track. It's not rushing it's extra help. Comprehension is the primary goal so let's make sure they understand what they are being taught. Fully understand. Assessments are that week of December 12 thru the 16th.
Thanks Ladies!!!
Teachers, I'm working on assessment rubrics now. Remember you want students to comprehend what is required from your states learning standards for each grade. Kindergarten assessment is oral, 1st and higher grades need to have some type of written assessment to evaluated what they are retaining and show what we need to do to help them. The rubric will be basic as for now we are all at separate ends of the country.
I want to thank all the teachers for helping me pull the homeschooling project together. We are off and running ladies!
will be working on the contact page and apologize it has taken us a little while to get it up and running along with the jpay store.
One Love
In Washington State Mason says a declaration of intent has to be filed with the school district for all students over the age of 8. Check to see what it is in the state you all are in. She says you might have to go to the superintendent of education web site it's usually a www.k12. your state. us. the learning standards are there. If your state has a age where an intent needs to be filed, like Washington State, let Mason know because she has a curriculum for k-3rd grade ready to go.
Teachers, parents, a expense fund has been started today for all of you who need to pay for the home school program and can't afford what they are asking. For next year all educators please pull the teaching standards for your state by going to the board of education website for your state. Pull the standards for the grade you are teaching and you will be meeting to come up with a curriculum that meets with these standards. We have every right to educate our children in the way we fill best suits us and we will. Don't panic parents nothing is to big for Adonai. Thanks to all who are contributing to the curriculum fund.
Okay ladies, all day I was trying to find the free curriculum program for parents. It appears K12 has changed. Now only their online public school service is free. That means the kids have to go into virtual classrooms with teachers they have selected. We don't want their online service we want to home school. Well now that will cost parents $1,400.00 a year. They want $461.00 to start and of course the new fee based amount of a whooping $82.00 a month. This is what this country is coming to, making citizens pay for everything monthly. It started with television. it's a way to issue a continuous revenue, making money for a product by turning it into a service. Pay it this year and next year we will go about this a different way. I'm working on that way now because we want to instruct our children our way. We want them to learn about Africa, Haiti, and other countries. We want them to learn about how the Native Americans were almost Extinction after the Europeans arrived and stole they land. We want students to know about black inventors and all that minorities have done and continue to do that contribute to this country, not the selective things public school teaches. We want a second language as a part of the curriculum. I'm working on it and we'll be ready next year to do this our way.
One Love
Ladies I'm up and ready. Send me my kindergartners and 1st graders. I have the materials YAAA and I'm feeling pretty good so let's get our teaching thing on YAAAA!!!
Forum friends and family we will discuss the presidential election and candidates during our meeting. I don't want us talking or spending too much time discussing it in the Forum.
Thank you
There was another shooting in Baton Rouge this morning. I would ask that none of you jump the gun in assuming that the shooter and his accomplices, if he had any, were African American and they certainly are not working for, with, or represent of Black Lives Matter and it's movement. The Black Lives Matter is not a violent movement, In fact it is the opposite. It is a movement that is against violence on all levels. Please try not to indulge negative individuals you may encounter on social media or other media outlets like You Tube. All lives matter but right now it's time to focus on the lives that are in jeopardy even from law enforcement officer whom they like white Americans, expect to protect and serve them. Yes we need to be concerned with black on black crime but all races and ethnicities target their own so that is not the primary point right now. We want and expect more out of law enforcement plain and simple. I am a White man with biracial sons and daughters. I want them safe in every way and I don't like having to have a conversation with them about staying safe even when dealing with law enforcement. That is the issue here.
In regards to how we feel about the media coverage of current events, we are not particular fans of the media and would suggest you not allow the media to dictate how you view of make any decision in your life. They are chaos chasers, and thrive on negativity, something we do not encourage. We do not condone, support, or encourage violence of any type, in any way, or at any time. We feel the tragedy in Dallas involving the officers was indeed tragic and we mourn with the families. We also feel the deaths of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge LA, and Philando Castile in Minneapolis MN are equal as tragic deserving the same attention as the deaths of the officers in Dallas. This is the root of this countries problem, this status thing, merit thing, I'm better than you idea. Life is life, murder is murder. There is a problem with Race in this country that cannot continue to go unaddressed. preferential treatment for any reason is the problem here. The officers lives were no more or no less valuable or valued than the two gentlemen murdered in Baton Rouge and Minneapolis. It should be obvious to continue to ignore our racial issues is a powder keg waiting to explode. Our sympathy goes out to the families of all those who lost a love one do to murder in our recent past.
One Love
Everyone, thank you for honor my request to refrain from commenting on Mason and Michael's particular situation. They are both ill and their illness is serious, deadly. This is a trying time for us and we ask only that you remember them in your prayers. I will keep you posted on their condition.
Hello Gnostic family, as you all know we had a issue that caused us to go down for over a month. The site has been upgraded to a new version and the host and web designer have installed upgraded security measures. It's sad some people don't have anything better to do than things like this but God is good and we are blessed. Unfortunately we weren't able to save everything from the old site and we will have to start over. The forum is new and improved, and we will continue adding things that are missing but welcome back under our new title.
One Love
- Production of UE 2 will begin in October 2012 so look for it in time for Christmas!
- Also we offer our services in Resume' and Cover Letter preparations, and many other writing and editing services. Pleases contact me JR at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Jackee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or Laura atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
- JR
- Read more: December 24, 2021 updates