The Gnostic Learning Academy is a homeschool system designed to allow students to interact with other students at their grade level via virtual classroom.
All state based learning standards for each grade level
Mandatory second language: Spanish, Italian, French, German
Music & the Arts
Social, Society, and World Studies
The Gnostic Academy prides itself on its strong sense of morality. Although we are not a religious school we are not ashamed of nor are we shy when it comes to the Most High. Parents and their students will not be pressured, or have their beliefs and values questioned or ridiculed. We do not hold or regard any sacred book above another. All faiths are welcomed, respected, and allowed. Gnostics believe in the gift of freewill the Most Hight awarded all living things. Gnostics believe in being of high moral character, however, we are not conservative as this hinders freedom and natural growth. By nature, we embrace tolerance, compassion, and mutual respect.
Our school year starts at the beginning of the new year. We have three thirteen-week semester beginning in January and ending at the end of September. There are three major breaks during the school year. We have a week-long break between 1st and 2nd semester, a two-week break between 2nd and 3rd semester, and a three-month break at the end of the year, which is also the end of our school year.
We are a pre-k through 8th grade learning academy and our instructors all have a four-year college degree in professions ranging from Accounting to Sociology. They also must pass a psychological evaluation. We do not require state certification as this is simply an added expense that does not prove one is suited to deal with children. It is more important to us that our instructors truly enjoy working with children and that they are themselves highly educated.
We continue to seek instructors and welcome all parental inquiries about our home-base school.
We can be reached at:
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