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GLOSSARY (with pronunciation key)
A All That Is – God, Creator of all that lives. AOI – stands for Accelerated Operating Intelligence, the super computer created by
Louis. Autoport -Mercer term for garage or carport. Autoway – Mercer term for side street or driveway.
B Band-tel – Mercer term for television. Betweentime – Mercer term for a period of time which is early evening of a complete (or day). Bottomtime – Mercer term for a period of time which is early nighttime of a complete (or day).
C Common – Mercer unit of time for year, equal to 14 seck (or months). Complete – Mercer unit of time for day, equal to 29 sor (or hours). Controller – Leader, Chief, Commander. CPDLU – Mercer term for Computer/Personal Data Logic Unit. Council – Mercer term for one of their governing entities: Thime top law.
D Darktime – Mercer term for a period of time which is late nighttime of a complete (or day). Deg – deg. Mercer term for country. Del – del. Mercer unit of time for minute. Destroyer – Master-builder gone bad. Hades. Dine – ‘dIn. First mentioned Thime (or city) on Mercer were Scottos lived. Downtime – Mercer term for a period of time which is latest nighttime of a complete (or day).
F Fenur – fen’ûr. Mercer term for mile.
G Gates – portals, doorways; Greek thura; Egyptian pylon. Green Deg – deg (or country) where most humans live on Mercer. Grey Deg – deg (or country) where most mixed or halves live on Mercer.
H Halves – Mercer term for those who are a mix of Human and Mercerean. High Council – Mercer term for one of their governing entities: Deg top law. Hightime – Mercer term for a period of time which is mid-morning of a complete (or day).
I Image-maker – a Mercer device that produces moving photos/short movies/videos.
L Life-giver – all females born with the addition. Lightime – Mercer term for a period of time which is mid point daytime of a complete (or day).
Lowtime – Mercer term for a period of time which is mid nighttime of a complete (or day). M Media-band – Mercer term for news, newscast. Mercer1 – mûr’sûr. A third density planet. Mercerean – mûr-sûr’E-in. beings from the planet Mercer. Middletime – Mercer term for a period of time which is mid point of a complete (or day).
1Mercer terms
Bach – bäkh. second. Del – del. minute. Sor – sôr. hour. Common – year. 14 seck (or months). Complete – day. 29 sor (or hours).
Earth term | MERCER TERMS for division of a Complete | ||||
Day time | Toptime early | Hightime | Lightime | Uptime | |
Evening | Betweentime | Middletime | |||
Night | Bottomtime | Lowtime | Darktime | Downtime |
A whole day is a complete with 14 sor of light, 13 sor of dark, and 2 sor during light are betweentime and middletime.
Veck – vek’. week (7 complete). Seck – sek’. month (4 veck or 29 complete and 1 free complete).
[NOTE: The above units of time are not pluralized with an s. The plural and singular forms are spelled the same.]
Band-tel – television. CPDLU – Computerized Personal Data Logic Unit. Deg – country.
Green Deg – where most humans live Grey Deg – where most mixed or halves live Yellow Deg – second largest area where Humans and Halves live
Fenur -fen’ûr. a mile. Halves – those who are a mix of Human and Mercerean. Image-maker – a device that produces moving photos/short movies/videos. Media-band – news, newscast.
Still image – photograph. | |
Still – short for photograph. | |
Tel – telephone. | |
Thime – thIm. city. | |
First Thime | Dine – First mentioned Thime where Scottos lived. |
Second Thime | Renoac – ren-O-ak’. Thime Juliano moves to. |
Third Thime | Abuc – ä-buk’. Thime where family country house is located. |
Fourth Thime | Ziken – zI’ken. Largest Thime in Green Deg. |
Fifth Thime | Rezen – rE’zen. Largest Thime in Grey Deg. |
Sixth Thime | Welas – hwel-us’. In Red Deg where the Top High Council dwells. |
Seventh Thime | Ancient City – Largest Thime in Purple Deg in the outlands. |
[All thimes (or cities) where Scottos live are in Green or Yellow Deg.]
Top High Council – Mercer top law. High Council – Deg top law. Council – Thime top law.
Zen – unit of measurement equal to a yard.
N Narcus – när’kus. First of the gifted family to arrive. Scientific acronym for Neoteric Artificial Replica and Cybernetic Unified System (N.A.R.C.U.S.).
O Obedious –O' bi-di-us. Head of Obedious, the lead, the ONE, Louis.
P Purusha – pu-rOO’shä. Male face of God or All That Is (current).
R Renoac – Thime (or city) on Mercer that Juliano moves to. Rezen – largest thime (or city) on Mercer in the Deg (or country) known as Grey Deg. Roadway – Mercer term for main street or highway.
S Schizo – chi’-zO. split (happens to Michael and Victor). Seck – sek’. Mercer term period of time for month (4 veck or 29 complete and 1 free complete). Sor – sôr. Mercer unit of time for hour. SP-14 – the fourteen men assembled by the Organization of Scientists to find Narcus2. Still Image – Mercer term for photograph.
T Tel – Mercer term for telephone. Thime – thIm. Mercer term for city. Top High Council – Mercer term for one of their governing entities: Mercer top law. Toptime – Mercer term for a period of time which is earliest time of a complete (or day).
U,V,W,X,Y, & Z Uptime – Mercer term for a period of time which are last few upper time of a complete (or day). Veck – vek’. Mercer term period of time for a week (or 7 complete). Welas – hwel-us’. Sixth thime in Red Deg where the Top High Council dwells. Yellow Deg – second largest deg (or country) on Mercer where Humans and Halves live. Zen -Mercer term for unit of measurement equal to a yard. Ziken – zI’ken. largest Thime (or city) on Mercer in the deg (or country) known as Green Deg.
Key to Pronunciation Symbols
u | sofa (sO’fu), item (I'tum), easily (E’zulE), cannon (kan’un), circus (sûr’kus) |
a | act (akt), bat (bat) |
A | ape (Ap), fail (fAl), day (dA) |
â | air (âr), care (kâr) |
ä | art (ärt), father (fä’ður) |
b | back (bak), labor (lA’bur), cab (kab) |
ch | chin (chin), hatchet (hach’ut), rich (rich) |
d | dock (dok), lady (lA’dE), sad (sad) |
e | end (end), steady (sted’E), met (met) |
E | eve (Ev), clear (klEr), see (sE) |
f | fat (fat), phase (fAz), cough (kôf) |
g | get (get), bigger (big’ur), tag (tag) |
h | hand (hand), ahead (uhed') |
hw | wheel (hwEl), which (hwich) |
i | it (it), pill (pil), mirror (mir’ur) |
I | iron (I'urn), eye (I), buyer (bI’ur) |
j | jam (jam), ginger (jin’jur), edge (ej) |
k | kit (kit), tackle (tak’ul), cook (kook) |
l | little (lit’ul), holly (hol'E), pull (pool) |
m | man (man), hammer (ham’ur), climb (klIm) |
n | new (noo), known (nOn), winner (win’ur) |
ng | singing (sing’ing), finger (fing’gur), sang (sang), sank (sangk) |
o | hot (hot), body (bod’E) |
O | over (O’vur), hope (hOp), grow (grO) |
ô | orbit (ôr’bit), fall (fôl), saw (sô) |
oo | foot (foot), wolf (woolf), put (poot), pure (pyoor) |
OO | boot (bOOt), lose (lOOz), drew (drOO), true (trOO) |
oi | oil (oil), royal (roi’ul), boy (boi) |
ou | out (out), crowd (kroud), how (hou) |
p | pipe (pIp), happy (hap'E) |
r | road (rOd), appeared (upErd’), carpenter (kär’puntur) |
s | so (sO), cite (sIt), baste (bAst) |
sh | shall (shal), sure (shOOr), nation (nA’shun) |
t | tight (tIt), better (bet’ur), talked (tôkt) |
th | thin (thin), bath (bath) |
ð | then (ðen), father (fä’ður), bathe (bAð) |
u | but (but), flood (flud), some (sum) |
û | curl (kûrl), girl (gûrl), fern (fûrn), worm (wûrm) |
v | vest (vest), trivial (triv'Eul), eve (Ev) |
w | wax (waks), twins (twinz), coward (kou’urd) |
y | you (yOO), onion (un’yun) |
z | zipper (zip’ur), ease (Ez), treads (tredz) |
zh | pleasure (plezh’ur), rouge (rOOzh) |
Foreign Sounds | |
ö | as in French peu (pö), German Goethe (gö’tu) |
ü | as in French Cluny (klünE’) |
kh | as in German ach (äkh), ich (ikh); Scottish loch (lokh) |
N | this symbol indicates that the preceding vowel is nasal as in French cinq (saNk), un (öN), sans (säN), tombe (tôNb), en (äN) |
Accents and Hyphens | |
‘ | primary accent, written after accented vowel or syllable: Nebraska (nubras’ku), James Buchanan (byOOka’nun) |
" | secondary accent: Mississippi (mis"us-sipE) |
– | dash, replacing obvious portion of pronunciation: hegemony (hijem’unE, hE–, hej'umO"nE, heg’u–) |
- | hyphen, to prevent ambiguity in syllabification: Erlanger (ûr’lang-ur), dishearten (dis-här’tun) |
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